When should i have a dating scan

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You might also con. I had my mid wife booking appointment at 9 weeks 2 days, a little late because she was on leave the week I was 8 weeks. Because the content you submit in the interactive parts of our site will be available to all our users and may be sincere to the general public, please do not provide personal or confidential information. If you have fun 20 customers to insulting, then you have kept for these dating strength-training routines. I would phone the Antenatal department number in the front of your notes and speak to them. Has anyone had a social scan at 5-7 weeks. I had a scan externally with the scanner over the tummy but I also had an internal. This is because the fetus is growing so quickly that there is a big difference in size from week to week. I went for a dating fub at 6w4d, they could see everything fine but asked if they could do an internal to see a heartbeat.

Hi all, I'm 8 weeks tomorrow and I have my scan booked in when I'll be 13 weeks. This feels like a horribly long time away and I'm absolutely convinced that they'll fail to find a heart beat. I'm so concerned about it that I'm considering paying for a private scan. My problem with this though is that my husband would think it was a terrible waste of money, especially because if it all goes wrong then there's nothing that £100 scan will do to change that. So, if I did have one I probably wouldnt tell him about it. I don't like the idea of seeing the baby for the first time or not without him, seems wrong. Ooh, I just don't know what to do Don't do it without telling him, the scan should be a special moment for you to share together. If you get to 13 weeks with no bleeding then there is only a 1% chance that they will fail to find a heartbeat. This is one of the reasons why the scan is at 12 weeks - missed miscarriages at that stage are thankfully rare. I can understand wanting a private early scan, I have done it myself. The first two times I did it I unfortunately got bad news. I figure that the money I paid for the scan allowed me to find out sooner and have it dealt with at an earlier stage. You need to talk it over together and come to a decision. But really, if you aren't having any bleeding or anything like that there is no reason not to wait till 13 weeks. If you want the early scan, you can probably get it for less than £100 - have a google for clinics in your area - round here the cheapest price is £50. You're right - I would hate to do it without him. I guess I don't want to discuss it because I know that his thoughts about ot are correct really. I have no physical reason to think there's anything wrong - perhaps I should focus my energies into not thinking about the worst. Are the chances of MMC only 1% at 12 weeks?! I thought it was much much higher! That goes a long way to reassure me actually. Unfortunately being in Central London means that everything is about double the price of the rest of the country :- table 2 of that document is where I got the statistic from. Even if you have spotting at 12 weeks, the figure is only 3%. Sadly, that 1% is quite a few women each week, given how many people get pregnant per year in this country. So that means there are always going to be a number of sad stories to read on the internet. But most miscarriages happen earlier on. As I said, I had early scans myself, I found the reassurance helpful for a short while. But very soon afterwards, the worry creeps back in again! So in the end it is a question of money imo. In my first pregnancy I didn't even know what a missed miscarriage was... Needless to say that I was an extreme basket case in my second pregnancy and around the 8 week mark I had a nervous breakdown well, almost at my GPs and she referred me to UCL for an early scan. In the next pregnancy I had private healthcare and got an early scan at 7 or 8 weeks as well. This time round I just went the normal route and waited for my 12 week scan. I have also heard of the extremely rare cases who have actually seen a heartbeat at 7 weeks and then had a missed mc diagnosed at 12 weeks... I think that must be so hard... So, all in all, if money were no object, why not have a scan. Otherwise you could just assume that it is highly likely that you'll be fine.. If you have any bleeding, or cramps the hospital will scan you early, and of course if you this anxiety is affecting you lots then your GP will refer you. I did persuade OH to let me get an early scan as I was all paranoid about ectopics, empty sacs etc. Scan at 7 weeks showed heartbeat in right place etc, and I was reassured for a few days. BUT then I started to worry again, and still had a nail-biting wait for the 12 week scan! Am currently 23 weeks and pregnancy progressing well. I think I am just a born worrier. So if you do get a scan, bear in mind that it may only stop you worrying for a little while...! Definitely do not lie to the EPU. I have been the woman who was miscarrying and waiting for an appointment at the EPU and couldn't get seen right away when I needed. It's not the same if you've had a previous MMC - in that case I think you should be offered a 9 weeks scan for the sake of your mental health. I was this time around and it made all the difference, but I was under the care of the recurrent miscarriage clinic so I presume that is why they let me have the scan on request. I had to wait 2 working days to get a scan when i had bleeding. They did see me as a self referral, i literally walked in off the street, i had to wait a while but i was examined, the doctor saw i had a closed cervix and some brown blood but they could not scan me for 2 more days - same day as my NT scan so i went to that instead to save their resources. Waiting for a scan when you are in pain or bleeding is horrific, knowing people are lying to get ahead of you is a dreadful thing to do. And the doctor asked lots of questions about the bleeding and pain, you'd have to be pretty good at lying to get away with it without feeling they know. I had a scan in my 8th week, baby died 1 week later. Mine will not scan anyone without a clinicial reason, that includes women who've had a MMC previously and recurrent miscarriers. I don't know if they will agree to relax the rules with a woman who cannot afford a private scan who is clearly in severe mental anguish as i've not tried that- maybe a MW or GP can persuade them. I do feel for people in that situation. On another thread in the miscarriages section someone has just said a very eminent consultant has found that women get far more stressed when they have scan - which is obviously to be avoided. Its a matter of weighing things up for you. I've booked my early private scan today. I should be 8+5 but have irregular cycles so one reason I am going is so I can get dated. I know that if and hopefully I will hear the heartbeat at this scan then there is still no guarantee that everything will still be well at my 12 week one. But I just can't bear to wait 6 weeks for my first scan. I have 2 weeks till my first scan, then 4 weeks after that till my next one. It helps break it up a bit I find.

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